monthly book wins



Mary Smith, GWP publisher, sent out this news… so for those of you that signed up for the newsletter and didn’t win the mystery box, there is still hope to win something in the future… and those of you that didn’t sign up, you might want to reconsider …. happy wordage…

“GWP ran a BIG giveaway, which will now be made into an annual December event. One lucky winner one ALL of the books published by GWP, unsigned from the authors. 

The big winner was Steve Z., from South Africa, who actually signed up for his wife! (How sweet!!!) The books were sent shortly before Christmas and we thank EVERYONE who signed up. But don’t be discouraged because it’s time for the BIG announcement.

Every month (starting right now) GWP will be doing a mystery box. The winner will be randomly picked from the newsletter list and will receive a box that will contain a minimum of one GWP book (could be more depending on the author), swag items, an Amazon giftcard, and additional gifts/prizes”


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